Inclement Weather Procedures
Colorado International Language Academy follows the District 11 Weather Policy.
If there’s a late start or a cancelled “Snow Day” in District 11, we will have the same late start or cancellation of school.
If there’s a late start or a cancelled “Snow Day” in District 11, we will have the same late start or cancellation of school.
District 11 Weather Policy
Sudden weather changes are part of what we expect in Colorado. Bad weather often comes suddenly and goes quickly. To help us cope with the job of making sure our students are safe, School District 11 has appointed supervisory personnel to drive sections of District 11 during a storm. We assign the driving sections because, as we all know, the weather at Doherty High School can be totally different from the weather at Chipeta Elementary School or Mann Middle School.
These supervisory personnel report on weather and road conditions, especially noting poor visibility, poor traction and other hazardous street conditions, wind chill factors, and snow accumulation. Completed reports by these on-the-street supervisors are consolidated and called into me. Discussions occur, and further driving reviews and conversations may occur. These telephone reports are considered together with reports from the U.S. Weather Bureau and the Colorado Springs Street Division, and in coordination with adjoining school districts. After all the data is examined, a decision is made for a delayed safety start, school closure, or school as usual. All of this usually begins at 2 to 3 a.m. and is accomplished by 5:30 a.m. so that the decision may be reported to the public over radio and television, on the District 11 Web site (, and Comcast Channel 16 (the District 11 Channel) in time for parents to make plans for the day.
You can check for delays/closures on the D-11 Web site at and/or Comcast Channel 16 and/or by calling 520-2000 or 520-2300 for a recorded message. You can also sign up to receive an e-mail notification about delays and/or closures! Go to and click on the NTouch icon on the bottom right side of the screen. When you get into NTouch, click on “My Account.” If you already have an account, log in; if not, create a new account. Once logged in, you will see your “User Details.” Under “Notification Groups,” click “EDIT.” Enter your contact information and select which notifications you would like to receive. Click “Submit” to save your changes.
Please remember: You as a parent make the final decision concerning the safety of your child. If you think conditions are unsafe when the district keeps schools open, you may keep your child at home. Your child’s absence will be excused, and all work may be made up without penalty.