Colorado International Language Academy, a leader in language immersion education, is excited to offer our homeschool enrichment program in the Fall of 2022-23. Classes are open to students in Kindergarten -6th Grade. Students must attend one full day session, once a week.
Which programs do you offer for homeschooled students?
At CILA, we offer two different homeschool programs. Our most popular program is the traditional homeschool program, in which your child will attend CILA one full day per week. The class consists of only homeschooled students and meets from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM. We also offer a part-time program, in which your K-5 homeschooled student attends the language immersion portion (morning or afternoon, depending on grade level and language selection) of our traditional program five days per week. Students in our traditional program receive mathematics instruction in the target language, as would the homeschooled student. The homeschooled student must be at or above grade level in mathematics to be eligible for this type of part-time enrollment. We accept students for this type of enrollment on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, please note that confirmation of acceptance into this program for Spanish (our most popular language offering) may be delayed until the first week in August, as our priority is to place full-time students in our traditional classes first. To discuss this option further, please email our Director of Homeschool Enrichment at
Who is eligible to attend your program?
To be eligible for our state-funded homeschool program, students must be homeschoolers who are not enrolled in any other publicly-funded program.
We accept children in Kindergarten through 6th grade in our traditional enrichment program and children in Kindergarten through 5th grade in our part-time program. Per Colorado law, kindergarten-aged children are those children who turn five on or before October 1 of the year they wish to start school. Our sixth graders may be no older than twelve years of age by the time school starts in August.
Which languages do you offer for homeschooled students?
For the 2024-2025 school year, we plan to offer the following languages in our traditional and part-time homeschool programs: Spanish, German, and Chinese. Our traditional homeschool program offerings are contingent upon a minimum enrollment of 8 students per class. Please note that this past year we did not have enough interest in German or Chinese to hold a class in the traditional homeschool program. However, we have been able to offer both languages in the past and hope to do so again in the future.
On which day of the week will each class be held?
Our tentative 2024-2025 schedule is as follows:
Mondays: Spanish (beginners in grades K-3 only)
Tuesdays: Beginner/Intermediate Spanish (grades K-6)
Wednesdays: Chinese
Thursdays: German
How many children are in each homeschool language class?
We keep our homeschool classes small in order to ensure plenty of individual attention and positive learning outcomes. Each class will have a minimum of 8 students and a maximum of 15 students.
Do you accept children with special needs or IEPs in the Homeschool Enrichment Program?
While we are not required by law to accept or accommodate children with special needs or IEPs into our enrichment program (only full-time students are eligible for SPED services at CILA), we aim to make our program as inclusive as possible. We review each student and his or her needs on a case-by-case basis to determine acceptance into our program. Please email our Director of Homeschool Enrichment at to discuss your child’s needs. Together, we can work to determine if your child will be a good fit for our program.
Are your classes broken down by grade or are they mixed ages?
The majority of our homeschool classes are mixed ages, K-6. If we have enough students interested in a particular language, we will separate into two classes, divided by age or ability level. In the past, our French and Spanish classes were broken into beginner and intermediate levels, the beginner class for younger children (K-3rd) and one for older/more advanced children (3rd-6th). However, we have found that there is a greater demand for Spanish mixed-age classes, so we now offer a K-6th Spanish class to allow sibling groups to attend together in all languages.
Are there any minimum academic requirements for your enrichment program?
We do not have any minimum academic requirements for our 1-day enrichment program, though it is extremely helpful if students know the English alphabet and how to spell their own names. Half-day students must be at or above grade level for Math.
What does a typical day look like for the Homeschool Enrichment Program?
Our program begins at 8:30 AM and runs until 3:15 PM. The majority of the day is spent on language instruction. Our students are offered two 15-minute recesses, during which they will have the opportunity to eat a snack. They also have a lunch period and, when the weather is nice, have an additional 10-minute recess time at the end of the lunch period. Language instruction is provided in a fun and engaging way. In addition to traditional education methods, children learn their new language through a variety of arts and crafts, music, games, and movement. We want your child to enjoy language learning.
Will my child be able to learn a language if they are only in the classroom one day per week?
Your child will be learning a lot of language during their time in the classroom. However, all of our teachers report that the children who retain and are able to use the most language are those who spend time each day practicing the target language at home. Our homeschool teachers will often send home vocabulary lists, games, or other activities for their students to complete during the week.
Does your program have required homework?
Our traditional program does not require homework. While our homeschool teachers may send home homework, it is not strictly required. As a homeschooling parent, you are ultimately responsible for your child’s education and you may choose whether or not our homework fits into your child’s schedule. However, the children who show the most growth in class and who retain the most language are those who take advantage of this opportunity to practice their language skills. Those children in our one-day-per-week program who do not practice language learning at home have a much more difficult time retaining what they learned in class and growing their language abilities.
Our part-time program requires students to complete any homework assigned as part of the immersion class.
Can I enroll my child in two different languages?
Students enrolled in our traditional homeschool program may have the opportunity to participate in a second day of language instruction if there is availability in their second choice language. Placement into a second day of language enrichment will occur after all enrolling students have received at least one class assignment. Please speak with the Director of Homeschool Enrichment if this is an option you would like to pursue for your child.
Is my child required to attend your program for a certain number of days each school year?
Yes, all students enrolled in our Homeschool Enrichment Program are required to spend 90+ hours at CILA throughout the academic year. It is important for you to plan on your child attending class on a weekly basis. However, we understand that homeschooling families often value flexibility in scheduling. If you find that your family will be taking an extended trip, we are happy to work with you. Please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements for work to be sent so that your child can keep up with the class. If your child is sick, it is important to call the main office to excuse them from class. Our number is (719) 645-8063. In the event that your child’s class session is unexpectedly canceled, we will schedule a make-up class in a timely manner.
Can my homeschooled child participate in after-school activities, cultural days, and International Days at CILA?
Yes! As a homeschooling family with children enrolled in our Homeschool Enrichment Program, you are part of our CILA family. Your child is welcome to attend any and all events, even if they are offered on days when he or she is not in class. If you would like your child to attend an International Day, please let our Director of Homeschool Enrichment know two days in advance. We will make sure that they are assigned to a class and that they receive any materials needed to participate.
My child is currently enrolled in the traditional program. Can I move my child into the homeschool program?
Yes, provided that we have availability in your child’s chosen language. If you decide to move your child from the traditional program into the homeschool program, please let us know so that we can assist you with this process. If this will be your first time homeschooling your child, please make an appointment to speak to our Director of Homeschool Enrichment and Director of Enrollment about what this move will mean for your family. Please note: you are required by the CDE to notify a Colorado school district (not CILA) of your intent to homeschool your student 14 days prior to the start of the schooling.
How do I enroll my child in the Homeschool Enrichment Program?
If your child is already a student at CILA, you may fill out and return the Intent to Return form that was emailed to you. If your child is new to CILA, you may fill out an intent-to-enroll form on our website, After your form is received by our Registrar, you will be sent a link to an electronic enrollment packet. You may complete your child’s enrollment through that link. It is important to note that your child’s spot is not reserved until a completed enrollment packet has been received by the registrar. Whether you are new to CILA or are an existing CILA family, please also notify Amalia Arredondo, our Director of Homeschool Enrichment, of your intent to enroll. Ms. Arredondo can be reached at