Admissions Policy

CILA features year-round enrollment for the current school year, subject to availability based on class size.

Enrollment Availability Status

Enrollment Process and Timelines

Each year, Colorado International Language Academy (CILA) will establish and make public an Enrollment Timeline. Families seeking to enroll must submit a completed Intent to Enroll by the deadline set forth in the Enrollment Timeline for admission in the subsequent school year.

  • Enrollment for the following school year typically begins in January of the current school year, and  is open through the end of May.
  • After May, enrollment is still available, but certain grade levels and language course options may become restricted based on class size.
  • Enrollment for new students will be based on a first-come-first-served basis (waitlist); with preference given to siblings of current CILA students. Siblings are defined as those students sharing the same parent(s) and/or guardian(s).
  • If a spot becomes available, students will be pulled from the waitlist in the order that enrollment was received while taking grade-level and language preference into consideration. This process will be applied continuously throughout the school year.
  • Review, and acceptance or rejection, of an Intent to Enroll shall generally occur within 3 business days (delayed during holidays, breaks, or other school closures) of submission during the enrollment period, and email notification shall be sent during the same business day that this determination is made. A Registration Packet link will also be included in this email notification for accepted students.
  • For students enrolling prior to May 21st for the upcoming school year, the deadline to submit completed Registration Packets will be June 1st (prior to the upcoming school year). Example: a student is accepted for the 2022-2023 school year (first day of school: August 15th, 2022) on March 29th, 2022. The deadline for the Registration Packet submission is June 1st, 2022.
  • For students enrolling on or after May 21st (prior the the upcoming school year), families will have 10 days to complete and return the Registration Packet. Example: a student is accepted for the 2022-2023 school year on May 25th, 2022. The deadline for the Registration Packet submission is June 4th, 2022.
  • For enrollment acceptance occurring less than 10 days before the start of the school year, Registration Packets must be completed and returned prior to the first day of attendance. Example: a 1st grade student is accepted on August 8th, 2022, an the first day of school that year is August 15th, 2022. The Registration Packet must be completed before the start of school on August 15th, 2022 for that student to start attending on the first day of school, or that student’s attendance shall be delayed, and that student will miss school, until the Registration Packet is completed.
  • For enrollment occurring once a school year has already commenced, the family shall be informed of the expected first day of attendance, determined on a case-by-case basis considering multiple factors such as the upcoming school schedule, assessment schedule, and in coordination with teachers. The Registration Packet shall be due before the start of the first day of attendance, otherwise attendance shall be delayed until the Registration Packet is completed. Example: a kindergarten student moves to the area in September of 2022. and is accepted on Thursday, September 8th. The first day of attendance is planned to be Monday, September 12th, and the Registration Packet must be completed before the start of school on Monday, September 12th in order for the student to begin attendance that day.
  • It is vital that Registration Packets are completed in a timely manner, as described above, in order for the school to obtain the necessary information to meet State and Federal mandates regarding proper documentation, to ensure the safety of the student (for reasons relating to guardianship, transportation & care, and health needs & concerns such as allergies), and to properly plan for staffing needs. Therefore, failure to complete the Registration Packet within the deadline may result in the student losing their place at CILA, and acceptance being rescinded.
  • Current, returning students are automatically re-enrolled and do not participate in the waitlist provided they complete an Intent to Return by March 31st prior to the following school year.

Non-discrimination Policy and Ages of Students Accepted

Our official Non-Discrimination Notice & Policy

CILA serves grades K-5. To enroll, students must meet the appropriate age requirements set forth by state law and district policy (CILA operates under a charter provided by CSI, the Colorado Charter School Institute, and is a member of their school district). To be eligible for standard Kindergarten enrollment, students must be at least 5 years old on or before October 1st of the enrollment year. CILA may approve enrollment of students eligible for Early Access in accordance with state law & district policy (see following section).

Enrollment processes for students with Disabilities

CILA welcomes all students and strives to create and maintain a diverse student population. Enrollment in CILA is open to all students residing in the state of Colorado. Student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made in a nondiscriminatory manner as outlined in C.R.S. § 22-30.5-507(3). In all cases, student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made without regard to disability, race (including hair texture, hair type or hairstyle), creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin (including English Language Learners), language, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or any other protected class. To ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are met, the following procedures are followed by CILA:

  1. Enrollment materials specify that CILA serves students with disabilities
  2. Following admission, CILA shall require that the student provide the most recent IEP (including eligibility IEP) or Section 504 Plan, if available.
  3. A review team consisting of the CILA Principal or designee, the CILA Special Education teacher or coordinator, and the Charter School Institute Special Education Director or designee shall review the IEP or 504 plan and determine whether CILA will be the least restrictive environment appropriate for the student.
  4. If the team finds that the IEP (or LRE setting) or 504 plan requires a significant change of placement* or raises other concerns about the student’s ability to access a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), CILA shall convene a complete IEP team to determine the appropriate placement. The IEP team meeting shall include the Charter School Institute Director of Special Education or designee. In addition, the IEP team must include the following people: not less than one regular education teacher; not less than one special education teacher, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider; and, an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, and a language interpreter, when necessary. The student’s parents and legal guardian must be afforded the opportunity to participate, as must the student when appropriate.
  5. If the team determines that CILA is the appropriate placement for the student, the student shall be placed directly in a program that meets the requirements of the student’s existing IEP or Section 504 Plan, unless and until CILA convenes an IEP meeting or 504 meeting is held and the IEP or Section 504 Plan is changed.
  6. If the IEP team determines the IEP or 504 Plan requires a significant change of placement, then the IEP team will refer the student to the Charter School Institute Director of Special Education or designee. If a significant change of placement is required, the Director of Special Education of the student’s administrative unit of residence (school district or BOCES) must be invited to the IEP meeting. It is also recommended that CILA invite representatives from the student’s prior school to participate in the IEP Team meeting at the charter school. The Charter School Institute Director of Special Education or designee will confer with the student and family regarding placement opportunities available in accordance with the placement determination made by the IEP team and assist the family in making proper application(s) for the placement setting.

Required Forms

When enrolling your child, you will need to fill out a registration packet and pay a nonrefundable material fee. (Materials fees will be waived upon request for students that qualify for free/reduced lunch). You will also need to upload several documents in order to complete the registration process. The following forms are needed for registering your child:

  • Proof of residency (utility bill, ID, lease agreement etc.)
  • Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate, Certificate of Birth Abroad, Passport,etc.)
  • Immunization Records (or applicable exemption form – see below)

**If you do not have these forms, please contact the school administration so that alternate arrangements can be made, where permissible.

Early Access for Kindergarten

  • A prospective kindergarten student must be 5 years old before October 1st of the enrolling year. If the student will not meet that age requirement, but you feel the student is ready for early admission, please see information regarding early admission for kindergarten (a paid screening/testing process that must be completed early in February before the year of enrollment) here:
  • If you are interested in enrolling, please fill out the application by clicking the big Apply Now buttons on this page!
  • If you encounter difficulties using the online form, please email or call our IT Director, Matt Johnston-Urey, at or extension 110 at the main school phone, 719-645-8063.
  • Applications are usually processed within 3 business days while school is in session and during most of Summer break. Responses to applications will be delayed, however, during Fall, Winter, and Spring breaks.

Immunization/Vaccination Exemptions:

For children enrolled full-time at any school in the state of Colorado:

Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, Colorado will require parents of children who attend any school in the state to submit to the school (1) a child’s proof of vaccination; (2) a form from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) which exempts a child from vaccination requirements due to medical or non-medical (including religious) reasons. Certificates of medical and non-medical exemption can be found here. Should parents choose to submit a medical exemption form, such a form must be signed by the child’s health care provider. Should parents choose to submit a non-medical exemption form, it must be either signed by the child’s health care provider or accompanied by a certificate stating that the parents have viewed a CDPHE online vaccine education module.

Health care providers who sign CDPHE’s vaccination exemption certificates are required by law to submit the information to the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS). However, there is no statutory penalty imposed upon medical professionals who fail to do so. Additionally, Colorado’s new law allows parents who choose to submit a vaccination waiver to opt out of having their information stored in the CIIS. Opt-out procedures and forms can be located here.

For homeschooled children participating in CILA’s enrichment program or half-time program:

While we are still required by law to collect either proof of vaccination or vaccination exemption for each enrolled student, Colorado SB 20-163 allows schools to opt out of requiring homeschooled students to utilize CDPHE’s forms for vaccination exemptions. Therefore, CILA has decided to allow homeschooled families who have not vaccinated their children for personal or religious reasons to submit to the school a typed and signed statement indicating their objections. For those families whose children are not vaccinated for medical reasons, a simple statement of medical exemption from the child’s medical provider will suffice. Neither medical nor non-medical exemption forms from homeschooled families will be submitted for inclusion in the CIIS database.