Food Services & Menu

CILA’s School Lunch program is provided by District 11.

  • Lunch includes a minimum of three and maximum of 5 different selections from the grain, milk, fruit, vegetable and meat/meat alternate groups.
  • One selection must be a fruit and/or vegetable.
  • For more information, please visit the District 11’s Food & Nutrition web page here



This year, D11 (our food services provider) is using an interactive online menu:


CILA Online School Meal Menu



Free and Reduced Lunch

Starting this 2023-2024 school year, Colorado Springs School District 11 is excited to announce the participation in the Healthy School Meals for All program for lunch and breakfast at sites providing breakfast. All students enrolled at Colorado Springs School District 11 may participate in lunch and breakfast at sites providing breakfast at no cost!

As in previous years, it’s important for households to still provide their household income information when requested via an application. While meals will be provided at no cost to all students in participating schools, it’s important for District 11 Food and Nutrition Services and CILA to continue gathering this information in order to receive full access to state and federal